Emotion Tweet Ratios of Each Class for Obama

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RT @ebertchicago: I wish Obama would go on TV like Carter did, and ask us all to pitch in to conserve energy. Inspire us.
Government Cracks Down on Farmers Who Hire Children: The Obama administration is hiring investigators and raising ... http://bit.ly/biFFLy
#sp Government Cracks Down on Farmers Who Hire Children: The Obama administration is hiring investigators and rais... http://bit.ly/biFFLy
done. :) this is such a great cause! how did you first get involved? RT @SophiaBush Everyone PLEASE sign this petition to Obama.
If its not your problem why try helping? Especially when your state is in deep enough. Stupid fucking hillbillies. Leave it to Obama.
Rod 2.0:Beta: WATCH: Alabama DJs Mock Obama's LGBT Pride Proclamation http://bit.ly/aL8cIZ
Someone once said that every man is trying to either live up to his father's expectations or make up for his father's mistakes.- Barak Obama
RT @govbrewer: Obama Admin has decided to sue AZ and we had to learn about it through Ecuadorean TV. Outrageous! http://bit.ly/ahcIV6
@darrick72 You're right about that, because the imagine they want to peg Prez Obama with is Rev Wright, who has been deemed the angry blkman
From WSJ Opinion: The President Does a Jones Act: Why Obama turned down foreign ships to clean up the Gulf. http://tinyurl.com/23khg6k
NewYorkTimes: Government Cracks Down on Farmers Who Hire Children: The Obama administration is hiring investigator... http://bit.ly/9vFzT6
@Puppers710 I voted for the other guy. But, Obama has my support. I am a proud American. I loved the new dog avatar. SWEET.
I do not share Obama's vision or value system for America , In fact he is so far off base on 23% of Americans agree with him. WTF!! #tcot
RT @TxJogger12: RT @ObamaRegime: Gallup: Majority Doesn't Want Obama Re-elected: http://bit.ly/bmw8OZ Well I wonder why???
RT @Drudge_Report ZUCKERMAN: World Sees Obama as Incompetent, Amateur... http://drudge.tw/c7LMdF | Yeah, not so much; they love him.
@valthonis loved the pic of obama on that though :)
RT @Love0fFreedom: @JosephAGallant Obama:"We are not a Christian nation."Really means:"I am a Muslim."http://ht.ly/1YmZ3 And soon you will all be too!
RT @govbrewer: Brewer to Obama: we will be very aggressive in defending our law. Donate to help keep AZ safe. http://bit.ly/9ySu7u
Correction from earlier: We're told Obama is still at the game. Couldn't miss the end of this barn-burner, I suppose.
RT @BarackProblema: .@ebertchicago Mr. Ebert, you have got to be kidding? Accept the fact that Obama is an abject failure and help us solve the problems.
Obama flat lied to AZ Gov Brewer. We saw the promises from the oval office 2 weeks ago, now we hear– by word of mouth –that US will SUE AZ.
I<3 Huckabee "obama's never run so much as a lemonade stand, how does he think he can handle the gulf" Really wonder if its true...
#fakeSecretService RT @RitaDLewis: Wonder if Obama's home. ? http://tweetphoto.com/27911391
Congress said NO and NEVER to #CIR. What Obama has to say? #immigration reform NOW. We trusted u. Are u gonna leave us w empty promises?
Obama went 2 Ohio for the tenth time today.Shutting down construction sites & businesses=people losing money. All to setup a 2012 win there
Government Cracks Down on Farmers Who Hire Children: The Obama administration is hiring investigators and raisi.. http://nyti.ms/9hSqpz
RT @TriixyPooh: i wonder if president obama has a twitter?! #random< @BarackObama
RT @half_way_angel: Check it!! RT @pinkearmuffs: @half_way_angel see @Kriskxx try pitifully to defend BP against Obama's Shakedown. #failure RT this, please.
Obama administration cracking down on farmers' hiring practices: The Obama administration has opened a broad campa... http://bit.ly/dlcHSb